
Pronto Dog Top Seller

Pronto Dog Top Seller

Pronto Dog es el alimento balanceado más vendido a nivel Pais y recibe el reconocimiento como ganador del año en la categoría de PET FOODS de los Premios Top Seller de la Cámara Paraguaya de Supermercados.

Nadie cuida mejor que usted a su gato.

Nadie cuida mejor que usted a su gato.

Pensando en todo el amor que le brinda, PRONTO CAT GATOS CASTRADOS ha desarrollado un alimento de alta performance. Un alimento nutritivo con ingredientes seleccionados, proteínas de alta calidad, enriquecidos con vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes en niveles adecuados para gatos castrados o esterilizados a partir de 6 meses de edad.

Lechera A.P 20 % : Nuevo Producto para productores lecheros.

Lechera A.P 20 % : Nuevo Producto para productores lecheros.

Con la calidad que nos caracteriza, Supermix presenta al mercado un nuevo producto para la producción lechera. Con las siguientes características, para vacas de alta producción, en periodo de lactancia, ya que es un alimento balanceado con alto nivel de energía y proteina, con un balanceo mineral y vitamínico con los cuales se pueden cubrir todas las necesidades nutricionales, saborizado con cáscara y pulpa cítrica.

Campo Total: Nuevo producto para Bovinos de carne.

Campo Total: Nuevo producto para Bovinos de carne.

Alimento Balanceado y peletizado, formulado en base a alto porcentaje de fibra para atender los requerimientos nutricionales de mantenimiento diario en épocas de ausencia total de pastos o forrajes debido a sequias, incendios e inundaciones.

Ovino Engorde 15 %: Nuevo producto para la Producción Ovina.

Ovino Engorde 15 %: Nuevo producto para la Producción Ovina.

Una nueva opción para productores de ovino de corte que acelera el crecimiento y favorece a la correcta deposición de grasa (terminación) de la carcasa, con niveles de cobre aceptables para los mismos.

Sal Proteica Energética 30 %: Nuevo Producto para Bovinos de Carne y Leche.

Sal Proteica Energética 30 %: Nuevo Producto para Bovinos de Carne y Leche.

Sal Mineral proteica energética lista para su uso directo. Mezcla mineral formulada en base a urea pecuaria, que corrige la deficiencia de minerales y proteínas del forraje, aumentando el consumo y la digestibilidad de este.

Blue November: Prostate Cancer Awareness Day

Blue November: Prostate Cancer Awareness Day

During a day of activities, a moment was dedicated to the men of the company, where emphasis was placed on prostate cancer prevention. We gathered, laughed, and reflected together.

Pink October: Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

Pink October: Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

During a moment for the women of the company, a dedicated day was developed for them, featuring medical talks, physical activities, awareness-raising, and fun.

Pronto Dog Adults Small Breeds

Pronto Dog Adults Small Breeds

It the new menu especially designed and formulated for small breeds adults, with the care and freshness of a homemade meal, with high protein level and the exact balance of amino acids necessary to serve the nutritional requirements. Fortified with vitamins and minerals that increase your pet's defenses to reduce the risk of contracting diseases additionally prebiotics and probiotics that help make digestion healthier so they can make the most of the food nutrients.

Pronto Dog “The ideal meal for your pet”

Ferticom Plant II.

Ferticom Plant II.

It is a new industrial fertilizer plant, specialized in the elaboration of complex fertilizers operated by the YTL company.

FERTICOM PLANT II, was recently inaugurated, installed within the property where the company's Port is also located, in the city of San Juan del Paraná, in the Itapua department, 20 km from the City of Encarnación.

It has infrastructure for unloading raw material in any presentation, state and size. In addition to having the capacity to receive raw materials through the river port.

In 2019 we turned 30 years old.

In 2019 we turned 30 years old.

30 years of work in the industrial sector moving towards the future with high efficiency in our processes, and quality in the products and services we offer. By directly supporting more than 900 families and positively impacting the communities in which we develop, we contribute to the growth of our nation.

>Lechera HP: New product for dairy producers.

Lechera HP: New product for dairy producers.

We develop a unique product for dairy production in our country. Lechera High Protein combines all the micro and macro elements already known in our dairy products but provides a higher protein percentage. This product was designed for the most demanding dairy farmers who have highly genetic animals.

Pronto Dog Foundation.

Pronto Dog Foundation.

Currently, we collaborate with more than 50 homes and shelters in different departments of our country.

Our foundation actively collaborates with shelters throughout the country. Currently, we have HR, transportation and independent logistics to contribute our balanced pet foods to more than 50 organizations that are dedicated to rescuing homeless animals.

Clients from the Campo 9 area visited Fram's industrial plant.

Clients from the Campo 9 area visited Fram's industrial plant.

We were visited by clients who are dedicated to dairy production from the area of Campo 9 and Casilla 2. They came to see our technological advances in the industry and other news.

Quattro Acerola. A new flavor joins the Quattro family.

Quattro Acerola. A new flavor joins the Quattro family.

Following the plan to increase the portfolio and the variety of flavors, we launched "Quattro citrus acerola", the first concentrated orange, grapefruit and acerola juice mix.